Sponsor Us!

Support Our Vision and Connect with a Passionate Audience

To infinity and beyond! Become a partner of the premier web technologies conference on the East Coast, and put your message before a large audience of engaged and interested software leaders. Help us promote all things front end, and encourage collaboration across the software development community.

Frontrunners is a one-day, dual-tracked conference dedicated to the community, presented by East Coast web developers. Frontrunners 2025 will be held at GMU's Van Metre Hall in Arlington, Virginia, a fantastic facility for both speakers and attendees.

The Frontrunners Conference will bring the community’s top speakers together with motivated and excited attendees for an unforgettable conference experience. Our program features talks from well-known tech and software experts from D.C. and beyond! Check out the perks provided to sponsors below:

Perks Gold ($5000) Silver ($2500) Bronze ($1250)
Conference Tickets Four (4) Two (2) One (1)
Logo, link, and 100 word description on our website, by level ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Logo included in the break slides, by level ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Frontrunners News email send to our mailing list (1500+) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Logo at beginning of conference videos ✔️, solo section ✔️
Can make a short announcement (one minute max) ✔️ ✔️
Sponsor table, supply handouts/swag to the attendees ✔️, with first pick ✔️
Your freestanding sign displayed throughout the conference ✔️, on stage ✔️, outside hallway
Your freestanding sign displayed throughout the conference ✔️, on stage ✔️, outside hallway
Logo on attendee name badges ✔️

In addition to the above, we are looking for companies interested in sponsoring official conference evening events, video production for all talks, breakfast and snacks throughout the day, and lanyards for all conference attendees.